There is a saying in the Australian wine industry, “ to introduce a successful Italian variety it needs to end in O”. Here are examples Pinot Grigio, Prosecco, Fiano, Vermentino, Sagrantino, Montepulciano, Nebbiolo, Nero (technically Nero de Avola but always shortened to Nero). Pecorino has been added to this list. If ending in O doesn't guarantee commercial success the style and flavours of Australian Pecorino that I have tried certainly will. Pecorino like many Italian varieties crops generously (the Italians aren't silly) and retains high levels of acidity at ripeness. The name of the variety according to wine searcher “ Pecorino means "little sheep" and is perhaps more widely associated with Pecorino cheese, which is made from ewes' milk and is entirely unrelated, save for its etymological link. The grape is so called supposedly because it was a favorite treat for flocks of sheep driven to lower pastures." Wherever the name came from the sheep were onto something. Australia is known for its sheep and wine. It’s going to be a match.
I review two Australian examples here. Different styles but both exuberantly delicious. Both from South Australia. Try some before we run out of hot weather.
2022 Amadio Pecorino is all about lemon. Lemon flavour in all its expressions. Lemon blossom, lemon juice, lemon custard, preserved lemon with its expected salinity and lemon pith adding texture. Thoroughly zesty and delicious. It is crisp, crunchy, dry and zingy. Saliva inducing. If you like lemon sherbet you are going to love this.
2022 Fox Creek Pecorino is more complex and textural. There is the slightest whiff of maturation in older oak or was there? It is elusive. The Fox Creek style has tamed the sourness but still has elevated focused lemony acidity expected of the variety making the wine taut and structured, reminiscent of lemon sorbet just the right amount of tart.
Image credit divadiary
Shop: Amadio Wines Amadio Wines
Follow: @amadiowines
Shop: Fox Creek Wines Fox Creek Wines
Follow: @fox_creek_wines
Declaration of interest. I have a relationship with Fox Creek Wines. There is no conflict of interest here as delicious wine is DELICIOUS WINE irrespective. This is a independent review and my genuine and honest opinion. Seek out both wines. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.